Sarah McLachlan Reveals She Recently Scrapped an Entire Album, Performs New Song from Next Album

Check out the live debut of "Gravity"

Photo: Ming Wu

BY Alex HudsonPublished May 31, 2024

Sarah McLachlan is currently touring to celebrate the 30th anniversary of her 1993 album Fumbling Towards Ecstasy — but as she focuses on her past, she's also preparing to bring some new music to her future. She has revealed that she has an entire album of new songs that won't see the light of day, as well as a new project that will.

Speaking with The New York Times, she revealed that she wrote a batch of new songs about a bad breakup, but decided that the world didn't need to hear them. "What do I want to talk about?" she told the paper. "I'm just another wealthy, middle-aged white woman."

That doesn't mean she won't be releasing any new material, however. She told a concert audience that she's working on a new album, and she has performed a new song called "Gravity" a few times on tour this year. NYT described it as a "balletic ode to perseverance, to letting others lift you."

Check out fan-shot footage of "Gravity" below. Find McLachlan's anniversary tour dates here.

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