Run the Jewels' El-P Defends Killer Mike Following NRATV Interview Controversy

"I cannot and will not ever turn my back on this man"

Photo: Luke Orlando

BY Sarah MurphyPublished Mar 26, 2018

Killer Mike shocked some of his left-leaning fans over the weekend by taking a pro-gun stance in a video for NRATV, and now El-P has publicly defended his Run the Jewels partner.
El-P shared a lengthy message via Twitter last night (March 25) after Killer Mike released his own explanation of events, noting that "We are our own men and we speak for ourselves individually" and that they don't always agree with each other.
El-P voiced his support for the "bravery and emotion" of the March for Our Lives activists, declaring himself an ally to communities like Parkland, as well as those getting less media attention for equally traumatic circumstances.
In a second message, he also voiced his support for Killer Mike, despite holding a different view on guns.
"He fucking cares," El-P wrote. "It's what sets him apart in his life. He stands up when others can't or won't. He tries when others don't… In all honesty, he helped me get back in touch with a hope for and a love of the human race that I had let drift out of frustration bordering on apathy."
He continued to say that despite "stumbles" or "bad decisions'" or having messages misinterpreted, that "I cannot and will not ever turn my back on this man."
Read El-P's full two-part message below.
Prior to El-P's message, Killer Mike apologized for the way that NRATV used his comments "as a weapon" against the "noble" causes of the young protestors participating in this weekend's March for Our Lives.

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