
"Savage Intolerance" (video)

BY Gregory AdamsPublished May 19, 2016

There's only about a month to go before Todd Jones and the rest of Nails flat-out decimate us with the sounds of their third full-length, You Will Never Be One of Us. To prepare us for the grindcore onslaught, they've unveiled a nasty taste of what's to come via a grotesque video for the album's "Savage Intolerance."

As you might expect from these titans of terror, the song goes for the throat from the jump, with detuned riffery, warp drive beats and Jones's Doberman howl all landing powerfully. Mix with this a rapid-fire visual collage of death scenes, tank invasions, snarling dogs and Jones screaming straight into the camera, and you've got yourself a wickedly uncomfortable little video. Just the way Nails like it.

You can see the video below, courtesy of Rolling Stone.

You Will Never Be One of Us, Nails' first full-length since signing to Nuclear Blast, destroys us all on June 17.

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