Bearing a resemblance to fellow Polish noisemakers Nyia in more ways than one, this second full-length from Mothra is an impressive piece of clanking, big city grind/noise rock. It's pretty hard to nail down their sound, which is the beauty of it. From the anger-management athletics of "Squant" to the 4/4 "rock" of "Hooloovoo" and the Neurosis sludge of "Octarine" to the confusing melodies and percussion workout of "Bleen," this one is angular, heavy, loud and mean. These guys know how to use mathematics in music in a way that's classy, punishing and vaguely disorienting. They also know to keep things concise and to the point. Think about the aggro grinding technical hardcore of Knut or Keelhaul, add in aforementioned extreme grinders/weirdoes Nyia and you're on the right path to your new favourite micro-genre, which resides in a ghetto of a scene if there ever was one - one you're not likely to emerge from without a few physical problems. This is one of the heaviest discs that will come out this year.
BY Greg PrattPublished Apr 2, 2009