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Mos Def Drops Out of DOOM Show in Toronto

BY Josiah HughesPublished Feb 24, 2010

Remember when we initially warned you that the upcoming DOOM/Mos Def show in Toronto might be a little dubious thanks to DOOM's less than stellar track record? Then, remember when we were right and the show was postponed? Well, if you were still hoping to see them together after all that, we have some more bad news for you: the scheduled DOOM/Mos Def show in Toronto on Thursday (February 25) has gone through a last minute and very major line-up change.

This time, however, it's not DOOM's fault. In a press release sent out this afternoon (February 24), promoters REMG Entertainment announced that Mos Def would not be appearing at the show. No reason was given for his absence.

With that in mind, we were feeling a little worried about the concert. After all, what is DOOM/Mos Def show without Mos Def? Just a guy in a DOOM mask? According to REMG, that's not going to be the case, as the real DOOM will mos' def (sorry) be showing up.

Here's a statement from REMG:

REMG Entertainment takes the integrity of our concerts and the trust placed in our company by our loyal patron base very seriously. As such we feel it necessary to address the ongoing rumours and concerns about the true identity of the performer on stage during recent past Doom performances. We are taking every precaution necessary to ensure that the performer on stage is in fact DOOM (Daniel Dumile). The artist has agreed to produce proper identification to us prior to performing to confirm his identity. We will not allow a substitute to perform in his place.

Yes, you read that right. They are actually going to ID DOOM.

 If you're still not happy with seeing a probably-real DOOM performance in Toronto tomorrow, REMG has announced that refunds for the show will be given at point of purchase between February 26 and March 5. For more information, follow REMG on Twitter.

Oh, and if you're in New York, sorry, you're DOOM/Mos Def show on Friday is straight-up cancelled (again).

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