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BY Rob WooPublished Feb 26, 2007

Jeff Lee has an affinity for outdated musical instruments — modular synths and old drum machines fill his studio, creating an analogue sound reminiscent of indie electro like Postal Service and certain phases of Four Tet. A minimalist writing technique with gradual inclines to build layers of organic sound upon is extremely seductive at first, but a lack of variation holds this album back. The last five tracks finally explore some of Minisystem’s versatility and though tracks like "Sand” stay within certain parameters that underline the compositions on Madingley, they are far more striking by presenting a different interpretation of the same methods he uses. By no means should the other tracks on the album be written off but together their motifs, harmonies and progressions are far too alike and are collectively disappointing, more so since they are so individually engaging.
(Noise Factory)

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