Lupe Fiasco Cuts Show Short After Tomato Attack

BY Gregory AdamsPublished Nov 26, 2013

Lupe Fiasco pulled out of a performance in Utah a bit earlier than he intended last Saturday (November 23) after a concertgoer threw a tomato at the rapper.

The decidedly un-fresh fan move took place while Lupe was running through his "Kick, Push" at Salt Lake City's the Depot, with the tomato being hucked from up in the balcony. You can see the toss around the 1:15 mark in the video down below, which led the rapper and his crew to point out the offender, call the woman a "fat, white bitch," and ultimately can the concert.

Though a chorus of boos filled the venue, the rapper later defended his move over Twitter, writing, "Safety first…bitch threw some shit…I asked the balcony to come down to the floor…they said fuck me…so shows over…#SaltyLake hahaha"

Some fans took to Twitter to express disappointment over the choice of words Fiasco used to insult the offending tomato-tosser, leading him to post: "I call her a 'fat white bitch' cuz she was a fat white bitch…once you throw things you become a bitch…who just happens to be fat & white."

Fiasco's "Tetsuo and Youth Preview Tour" continues to roll on, with U.S. dates booked until the middle of December. You can see the rest of his show schedule here.


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