Like all great power pop acts, San Antonio, TX's the Krayolas have survived on cult status alone. After releasing just two full-lengths within their first decade of existence, the "Tex-Mex Beatles" returned after a 21-year layover to record their terrific third LP, 2008's La Conquistadora. Tormenta (the Krayolas' seventh album, and fifth in six years) is a sometimes focused, sometimes muddled collection of new recordings, recently recorded singles and previously released material. The inclusion of politically charged anthems referencing the Mexican drug war ("Corrido Twelve Heads in a Bag") and Arizona Senate Bill 1070 ("I'm Your Dirty Mexican") give the album a relevant feel, while their bilingual cover of the Ramones' "I Wanna Be Your Boyfriend" is a gem. However, at 21 tracks, hardcore fans have already digested much of the best material, while new fans could have done without the filler tracks that round out Tormenta.
(Independent)The Krayolas
BY Daniel SylvesterPublished Jul 30, 2013