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Ashley Park

Town And Country

BY Michael EdwardsPublished Nov 1, 2000

Ashley Park might sound like a new band, but it is simply a new moniker for stalwart member of the Vancouver music scene, Terry Miles, better known under his other alias, Saturnhead, but he felt the need for a new name for what is a brand new project. He claims that he is creating Canadiana and while there doesn't seem to be a whole lot of difference between our pop music and, dare I say it, Americana, I wholeheartedly applaud the concept. Town And Country is a lovely album that revels in being pure pop music - there's no pretence and no disgrace. It's the kind of album that the High Llamas would make if they managed to recapture the beauty of their early days and put the reins on their journeys into long-winded instrumental breaks. Fortunately, Ashley Park knows the value of brevity in pop and always leaves you wanting more. The tunes have wonderfully rich arrangements that will remind you of many other bands (the Kinks, Brian Wilson) with songs that could easily fit into that '60s music scene without stretching the limits of your imagination. Town And Country is an understated little album that will creep up on you with repeated listens - it has its immediate pop hooks but it's the underlying subtleties that will keep you coming back for more and more.

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