Aliens Exist: Matt Skiba Also Has Evidence of UFOs

"I don't pretend to know wtf this actually is but it sure looks like a 'flying saucer' to me"

BY Alex HudsonPublished Dec 20, 2023

If there's one thing that's true about blink-182 guitarists, it's that they believe in aliens and UFOs. Tom DeLonge is famously a proponent of alien conspiracy theories — and now Matt Skiba, the guy who replaced DeLonge for several years, is getting in on it as well.

On Instagram, the former blink-182 member (and current Alkaline Trio frontman) shared a photo directed at ufologist Jeremy Corbell. It shows what Skiba says is a flying saucer he photographed from an airplane over the Atlantic many years ago.

Skiba wrote, "I groggily took maybe 6 or 7 photos of the sunrise and went back to sleep. It wasn't until I was on the ground, dumping photos from my phone onto my computer that I noticed a fleck in only one of the several photos I took. On a bigger screen you can make out what looks like a canopy on top of a metallic disc that appears to be darting towards the ocean. I don't pretend to know wtf this actually is but it sure looks like a 'flying saucer' to me."

He added that he doesn't know how to alter digital photos, and that while some people have dismissed it as dirt on the window, "It ain't dirt, I promise you."

Maybe all those years of performing "Aliens Exist" with blink-182 rubbed off on Skiba?

Alkaline Trio's new album Blood, Hair, and Eyeballs is out January 26 via Rise Records.

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