The Action

Complete Punk Recordings 1977 - 1987

BY Keith CarmanPublished Jan 4, 2010

When people refer to late '70s punk rock, this is what should come to mind. Brash but not chock full of attitude, or snotty, primal yet strangely refined, and loose while proficient, this repackaging of Ottawa, ON's formative old school punk act's entire recorded output is an entertaining, energetic and boisterous ruckus; it's the Canuck equivalent of what Johnny Thunders, the New York Dolls and the Stooges were up to back then, minus the sloppiness, suckiness, heroin and, unfortunately, recognition. People may want to claim this has aspects of British punk, but when listening to the sleaze of "Waiting For The Man," the abrasive "T.V.'s On The Blink" and 15 more evanescent, simpleton rock'n'roll tunes as performed by astute musicians, it's all greasy North America. If history were nice to these boys, they would've been Canada's answer to the Ramones. Then again, they're unsung and forgotten yet brilliant, so apparently they already are.
(Sudden Death)

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