Before it was a beloved comedy movie in 1997, Good Burger was a recurring sketch on Nickelodeon's All That comedy show. The series is set to return on June 15, and to celebrate its comeback, Nickelodeon is launching an actual Good Burger restaurant.
The actual Good Burger restaurant will open in Los Angeles for a limited time, but don't worry there's still an opportunity to book a flight. After all, the restaurant doesn't open its doors until July 10. The burger shop will be open at 7100 Santa Monica Blvd. in West Hollywood.
For more information and an opportunity to make a reservation, visit the official Good Burger pop-up site. You can also watch a brief video announcing the restaurant's arrival below.
The actual Good Burger restaurant will open in Los Angeles for a limited time, but don't worry there's still an opportunity to book a flight. After all, the restaurant doesn't open its doors until July 10. The burger shop will be open at 7100 Santa Monica Blvd. in West Hollywood.
For more information and an opportunity to make a reservation, visit the official Good Burger pop-up site. You can also watch a brief video announcing the restaurant's arrival below.