WaxahatcheeSheepdogsPaper KitesSerena RyderMartha WainwrightJulian TaylorIron & WineElisapieRon SexsmithBorn RuffiansBasia BulatBlackie and the Rodeo KingsHaydenGoldie BoutilierCharlotte CornfieldLeanne Betasamosake SimpsonBria SalmenaKlô PelgagBess AtwellEvan RedskyFree LabelLes Hay BabiesBROScorookTiger BalmeCuff the DukeEast PointersHolly ColeIrish MythenJane SiberryLanghorne SlimBoo Radley ProjectBob SniderDan EdmondsNixon Boyd
Mariposa Folk Festival: July 4–6, 2025
Tudhope Park
Orillia, ON
Doors open @ Jul 4, 2025, 4:00 PM
- Waxahatchee
- Sheepdogs
- Paper Kites
- Serena Ryder
- Martha Wainwright
- Julian Taylor
- Iron & Wine
- Elisapie
- Ron Sexsmith
- Born Ruffians
- Basia Bulat
- Blackie and the Rodeo Kings
- Hayden
- Goldie Boutilier
- Charlotte Cornfield
- Leanne Betasamosake Simpson
- Bria Salmena
- Klô Pelgag
- Bess Atwell
- Evan Redsky
- Free Label
- Les Hay Babies
- corook
- Tiger Balme
- Cuff the Duke
- East Pointers
- Holly Cole
- Irish Mythen
- Jane Siberry
- Langhorne Slim
- Boo Radley Project
- Bob Snider
- Dan Edmonds
- Nixon Boyd