
The Twenty Fifth Hour

BY Branan RanjanathanPublished Aug 5, 2015

The latest from Los Angeles hardcore heavyweights Terror, The Twenty Fifth Hour, is a strong return to form after 2013's Live By The Code, but an overall middle-of-the-pack album in the larger context of their catalogue. With this record, Terror put forth a concise package of punchy, mosh-worthy hardcore tracks but fall short in regard to pacing, where a lack of variation occasionally results in some songs blurring together.
"The Solution" and "Blinded By The Lights" stand out as two of the most powerful songs in the set, the former employing a pummelling, effective hook in the chorus and the latter employing feedback as a drawn out build-up that explodes into a powerful two-step section at the track's end. Scott Vogel's vocals are as ferocious as ever and his delivery on record is emphatic and convincing, save for a few moments on "Why" that seem slightly strained.
Although this album doesn't stray from the formula that a great number of modern hardcore bands have come to adopt over the last decade or so, it still achieves what it sets out to do quite admirably. Terror's spirit hasn't faded over the years and the songs here are proof of that.

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