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Systema Solar

Rumbo a Tierra

BY Ryan B. PatrickPublished Jan 13, 2017

The Colombian and Afro-Caribbean vibes that persistently and provocatively permeate Systema Solar's Rumbo a Tierra speak to the seven-piece sound system's continued digital evolution. Beholden to an electro-cumbia aesthetic, the band has been effective in melding folk sounds with synth grooves — linking political commentary with a psychedelic live energy and DJ culture-minded mentality in the process.
Breakout hit "Rumbera," with its boisterous percussion, cowbells, turntable scratches and vocal chants, is revelry in motion, speaking to inclusiveness and diversity and acting as a delightful distillation of what the band are all about. Tracks such as "Que Paso?" and "Tumbamurallas" are more socially minded, the midtempo vibe of "Somos la Tierra" translates as "we are the Earth" and the champeta beat of "Champe Tabluo" simmers in savoury funk, pop and blues. Systema Solar bring a "party with a message" mentality that melds future and folk sounds with innovative flair.

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