
Invasion Rock n' Roll

BY Simon LacroixPublished Jun 1, 2002

The title pretty much says it all; if it's rock'n'roll you paid for, than it's rock'n'roll you'll get. Car, chicks and booze seem to be the main topic in every song, but I prefer the French numbers to the English ones, which are undermined by clichés. But it's rock'n'roll we're talking about, right? And this Quebec City band is quite good at it. "Tibo" is the most enjoyable song, and it has the potential of becoming an anthem for ugly people. The weak part of Invasion Rock n' Roll is that it ends in drunken machismo madness (someone talking about the size of "l'entre-boule?"), and we get treated with a cover of "Do You Love Me" that we really didn't need. Other than that, this is a good first effort.

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