
Escape From Alcatraz

BY Del F. CowiePublished Sep 1, 2003

Rasco is a bit hot under the collar. On his third full-length, it’s clear the Bay Area MC is clearly not happy about falling victim to shady record business practices. By channelling his anger into his work in a controlled fashion, he’s come up with his most solid outing since he served up his critically acclaimed debut Time Waits For No Man. Aside from addressing his business issues bluntly on "Snakes In The Grass (The Jon Sexton Story)” and "Get Free,” it’s also evident that the raspy-voiced Cali Agent is now more comfortable to expand beyond skilful battle rhymes. "U Got the Time” finds Rasco extolling the virtues of communal wealth, both spiritual and economic and he overcomes some underwhelming production on "My Life” to lay down the most thought-provoking politically inclined lyrics he’s committed to tape. For the most part however, the production on Escape from Alcatraz, particularly the blazing first half is top-notch. Aided and abetted in particular by Seattle beat brewer Jake One, there are plenty of adrenalin head rushes on hand. While the decision to hijack Eric B. & Rakim’s "Microphone Fiend” for "Real Hot” was an ill-advised move by Rasco and the Beatminerz, the presence of Rasco’s trademark pugilistic rhyme workouts like "Sweet Science” with Chali 2na of Jurassic 5, affirms Rasco’s overall goal to maintain his reputation and expand his subject matter.
(Coup D-Etat)

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