Because of the trek back to Vancouver from Seattle, this intimate KEXP live show was my only chance to see Passion Pit. It was also the only KEXP show the whole weekend where half the audience was press. Following the band's decision to cancel a slew of shows earlier this summer to allow lead singer-songwriter Michael Angelakos time off to attend to his mental health needs, some people were undoubtedly curious to see if Passion Pit were back on track, but it seemed most were just genuinely excited and grateful to see the band perform again. It was glorious and intimate, with just three of the four members on stage, mostly performing on synthesizers and guitars, offering a sampling of songs from their discography including fan favourite "Sleepyhead" and what Angelakos said, whipping out lyrics sheets with a sheepish grin, was the first live performance ever of the epic stunner "Love Is Greed."
Passion Pit
Seattle Center, Seattle, WA, September 3
BY Andrea WarnerPublished Sep 4, 2012