Nicki Minaj's Cousin's Friend's Balls Honoured by New Vaccine Bill

Rep. George Santos has proposed "The Minaj Act" to establish a development period for new vaccines to gain public confidence

BY Megan LaPierrePublished Apr 18, 2023

Nothing comes quickly in the trappings of governmental bureaucracy, but Nicki Minaj will be pleased to know that her cousin's friend's balls have swung US Republican Rep. George Santos to propose some new legislation.

As you may remember (and really, how could you forget?), in September 2021, the rapper appeared to take an anti-vax stance by tweeting about how her Trinidadian cousin's friend's balls had swelled up after getting vaccinated against COVID-19. But wait, there's more: the keeper of the swollen balls was due to be married, but — according to Minaj — became impotent, and his fiancée called off the wedding.

Now, Rep. George Santos, who is running for reelection after famously lying in his first, is trying to introduce a bill to demonstrate that we learned something from that whole viral ordeal. The politician has proposed "The Minaj Act," a bill that seeks to establish "a development period for new vaccines in order to generate public confidence," as per a tweet from Semafor political reporter Kadia Goba yesterday (April 17).
Although September 2021 feels like several lifetimes ago now, Minaj's tweets really caused a stir at the time — even Dr. Fauci provided his expert opinion on her cousin's friend's balls. The rapper then claimed that she was invited to the White House to "ask questions on behalf of the ppl [sic] who have been made fun of for simply being human," but the White House had merely offered to set up a phone call between Minaj and a healthcare professional.

If anything, you'd think the saga of the cousin's friend's balls would inspire something more in the realm of preventing people with platforms as big as Minaj's from spreading questionable claims like wildfire on social media. But hey, it's the Republicans! Ball's in the Democrats' court now.

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