Nicki Minaj Says Her Cousin's Friend's Balls Have Gotten Her Invited to the White House

And it's another ballsy claim, debunked

BY Megan LaPierrePublished Sep 16, 2021

#BallGate continues: Nicki Minaj has reported to her Twitter followers that she's been invited to the White House to ask all of her bulging, burning COVID-19 vaccine questions — but the White House disagrees. Maybe the invitation got lost in the mail?

It's hard to believe, but this all started just three days ago (September 13) with the rapper's anti-vax tweet claiming her Trinidadian cousin's friend's balls swelled from the shot. Since becoming something of an international incident, America's leading infectious disease specialist Dr. Fauci provided his expert opinion on the anecdote, as did Trinidad & Tobago's Minister of Health, the Honourable Terrence Deyalsingh. The verdict? Minaj's (cousin's friend's) claims are certifiably false.

But that's not enough for the artist, apparently. Yesterday (September 15), Minaj tweeted that she's accepted an invitation to visit the White House and address her concerns there, tweeting that she planned to "ask questions on behalf of the ppl [sic] who have been made fun of for simply being human."

According to The New York Times, however, the White House merely offered to set up a phone call between Minaj and a healthcare professional. "As we have with others, we offered a call with Nicki Minaj and one of our doctors to answer questions she has about the safety and effectiveness of the vaccine," a White House official said in a statement.

Naturally, Minaj claims a different version of events. "Do y'all think I would go on the internet and lie about being invited to the fucking White House," the artist asked, taking to Instagram Live last night. "Like what? Do you guys see what is happening right now?" She continued on to claim that her team received a call requesting the artist meet with Dr. Fauci, as well as U.S. Surgeon General Vice Admiral Vivek Murthy.

During her livestream, Minaj also claimed that her Twitter account had been suspended. "I'm in Twitter jail y'all," she wrote on her Instagram story. "They didn't like what I was saying over there on that block."

A spokesperson for Twitter told Forbes that the social media platform "did not take any enforcement action" against the musician's account. She's also been tweeting as recently as yesterday evening (sharing a video of Tucker Carlson sympathizing with her, no less!), so we're going to have to flag this one for potential misinformation too.

You can listen to Minaj's Instagram Live rant about Twitter and "freedom of speech" for over 10 minutes below. At least she claims she'll never use Twitter again?

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