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Nickelback Wanted by Australian Police for "Crimes Against Music"

BY Alex HudsonPublished May 20, 2015

Music industry punching bags Nickelback have attracted more than their share of criticism over the years, and this hatred has even occasionally attracted the attention of the police. Now, Australian police are getting in on the action, issuing a "wanted" poster for the band stating that Chad Kroeger and co. are guilty for "crimes against music."

The BOLO (be on the lookout) poster is a response to Nickelback's in-process Australian tour. Today (May 20), the group are playing in Boondall, a suburb of the city of Brisbane. The local Queensland Police Service issued the "wanted" poster on its social media accounts along with the message, "Police are on the lookout for these men who are believed to be impersonating musicians around Boondall this evening. Avoid the area. It may be hazardous to your hearing and street cred."

The message was tagged "#LookAtThisGraph," which is a reference to a viral spoof of the band's hit single "Photograph." (Watch that 10-second parody video at the bottom of this page.)

On the police service's Facebook timeline, the Nickelback poster appeared directly between a report of an armed robbery and a public appeal to find a man guilty of a serious assault. Evidently members of law enforcement still have enough time to assemble Nickelback parody posters, however, proving that Australia's tax dollars are being put to good use.

Obviously the poster is just a joke and the band aren't actually wanted for crimes against music. That being said, the Queensland Police Service clearly has a vendetta against Nickelback, among other Canadian musicians; the department posted the following tweet last November: Meanwhile, Nickelback continue to tour the world and make millions of dollars, so evidently not everyone hates them as much as the Australian police.

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