Nick Drake Documentary on the Way from White Stripes Filmmaker

BY Josiah HughesPublished Jul 7, 2010

Since directing the goofy Zach Galifianakis snowboarding comedy Out Cold in 2001, Emmett Malloy has found much more success in the world of music films. In addition to various music videos and concert films for the likes of Metallica, Oasis, Blink-182 and Ben Harper, Malloy drew much critical acclaim with his Canada-heavy White Stripes documentary Under the Great White Northern Lights. For his next project, Malloy has announced that he will take on the life of late folk innovator Nick Drake.

 According to Billboard, Malloy is planning a "multilayered piece" that will include an album, a book and a film on Drake. A number of artists have already been attached to the project, including Jack Johnson, Andrew Bird and Matt Costa, and Nick Drake's sister has officially endorsed the project.

"Tribute projects, they're a dime a dozen," Malloy said on his project's integrity. "I'm sure there's been 50 attempts at this, from every angle. It's so complicated to get them started and to let people know it's the real one... I'm just fighting my way through to get the artists I feel will do it justice. I'm excited to get going on it [because] there's so many great songs."

While Malloy's Nick Drake project will undoubtedly carry its own unique style, it will not be the first film covering the life of the late songwriter. In 2000, the short Drake documentary A Skin Too Few was released and can be streamed in its entirety here.

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