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The Exclaim! Questionnaire

BY EXCLAIM EXCLAIMPublished Nov 17, 2016

Who are you?
I'm Gregory de Rocher, aka Lowfish, and one half of Suction Records.

What are you up to?
I just released a new album "Eliminator" on Suction Records, I'm also working on tracks for the Awkward Silence label in the UK and Germany's ADSR label.

Hometown and current HQ:
I'm a born and raised Torontonian. I love Toronto - like a typical Canadian I keep travelling around with the intention of moving somewhere else but I always end up back here. Suction might need a "winter office" in San Francisco though.

Current fixations:
After pretending for years I knew all about him I went out and bought all these Gary Numan records I've never owned. People get all freaked out when I tell them I missed him the first time round as a New Wave geek. His stuff up to 1984-ish is wicked. (He should stop now though).

Mind altering work of art:
I'm a freak for all the old Factory Records record sleeves (New Order, OMD, etc). They're brilliant and never has packaging gone so hand in hand with the music. It's not often I can look at a sleeve and know exactly what to expect from the record like you could with most Factory stuff for awhile there.

Most memorable/inspirational gig, and why?
Solvent and myself opened up for NoMeansNo at a CBC party in Montreal a few years ago, which was weird enough. Backstage I heard some one ask them (from NoMeansNo) what time they we're going on and one guy answered "as soon as these guys staring at their calculators, adding machines and VCRs finish." I knew then that we'd have to figure out a way to explain to people what the hell we do standing up there with all this gear and cables everywhere.

What should everyone shut up about?

Your greatest strength/weakness:
I'm a freak. I'm a freak.

Your vital daily ritual:
Turning on the gear when I wake up, so that it's done warming up after coffee.

Guilty pleasures:
From a production standpoint I like a lot of what ABBA did – I often imagine what ABBA would sound like if they were produced by Giorgio Moroder. Could've been the best thing ever.

If I wasn't playing music i would be...
Complaining about how I just can't find shit that sounds how I want it to.

Your most memorable day job:
I used to work at the Metro Toronto Zoo and pretend to be the penguin keeper on my lunch and spout off all these facts I got from the sign in front of the penguin enclosure to tourists.

Best/worst advice received:
Best: "We should release these tracks instead." (Solvent, 1997)

I would drop everything to play a benefit for...
Maybe Factory Records, if they could get the money together. Seriously I'd do anything for any sort of hearing society - I've no doubt that I'll need hearing aids by the time I'm 45. At least by that time they'll be all small and stylish (cause I won't be the only one needing them).

What makes you want to take it off and get it on?
I'm not sure exactly what this question means, but women aren't the only ones who respond to bass.

What personal trait would make you kick someone out of your band and/or bed? And have you?
I think it's morally wrong to be a harmonica or an accordion player.

When I think of Canada I think:
Skinny Puppy, the Spoons, Images In Vogue, Ceramic Hello, Plastikman, Suction Records.

Music and sex: Is there a difference? Why?
Both are very cathartic.

Strangest brush with celebrity:
Busta Rhymes and myself flew from Phillidelpia to San Francisco together. He's a truly wack and funny person (and not to be messed with).

What does your mom wish you were doing instead?
She wishes I'd stop being so picky and obstinate about the kind of tracks I do and just do some booming house track and get it in a Coke Commercial.

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