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Learn How to Put a Condom on with GWAR's Blöthar

"I gotta work on my deep-throat skills"

BY Allie GregoryPublished Jun 17, 2022

If nothing else, GWAR are known for their respect for safety — and who better than the Richmond, VA-bred band's lead penis-haver Blöthar to teach you how to stay safe and sexy?

In a public service announcement video for MetalSucks, the vocalist shared his tips and tricks for putting a condom on with his mouth.

With a banana standing in for a penis, and later, one of his own several dicks, the singer begins his instructional clip: "First of all, sex should never be safe. [There] should always be a risk involved — a lot of risk. I like to think of it as going to a casino. Just stay away from the craps table!"

Blöthar continued his sex education lesson: "I'll show you on a banana first. I like to put these on with my mouth," he said, before shoving old yeller in his pie-hole, getting the jimmy about halfway on, and mashing the entire member inside (quite gracefully, we might add, considering the immensity of his paws). "I gotta work on my deep-throat skills," he observed.

"Now let's put on the real thing!" the multi-dicked beast said, motioning to an aid to help him wrap one of his many ghastly dongs while moaning, "Yeah, baby! Yeah!" Nice.

"There ya go!" Blöthar concluded, "That's how you put on a fucking condom."

Here endeth the lesson. And aren't we all better for having learned this valuable information? For a visual representation of the instructions, watch the video below.

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