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'Apt. 13' (album stream)

BY Josiah HughesPublished Aug 21, 2014

Eternal Vancouver pop punk institution Gob could have called it quits three albums ago and left behind an impressive discography. (Hell, we don't need much more than the perfect "B Flat" video.) Instead, they've forged on and prepared another new album, which you can hear in full now.

Called Apt. 13, the album appropriately enough features 13 new tracks from the band. A press release promised that the record "leans less towards the straight-up pop influence of its predecessors and puts focus on a fuller, more layered rock sound that includes sonic elements of decades past," and that's true. In place of quirky guitar leads and obnoxious lyrics, the LP hops between genres, touching on alt-rock and even folk.

But hear it all for yourself, and listen to the new Gob album below.

The release will arrive on August 26 through New Damage Records and you can pre-order the album here.

As previously reported, Gob are set to take the record out on a hefty Canadian tour. See all those dates here.

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