Fucked Up Spinoff Jade Hairpins Announce New Album 'Get Me the Good Stuff'

Watch a video for "Drifting Superstition" now

BY Alex HudsonPublished Jun 20, 2024

Fucked Up have a new album on the way, but two of the band's members have also lined up a new LP from their side project: Jonah Falco and Mike Haliechuk's duo Jade Hairpins will release Get Me the Good Stuff on September 13 through Merge Records, and the single "Drifting Superstition" is out today.

According to a press release, the eclectic album finds the pair "cramming a discography's worth of musical ideas and sonic evolution into a single LP." This includes funky dance influences on "Drifting Superstition." The 2022 punk single "L.I.E." (a.k.a. "Life in England") is also included in the tracklist.

Falco said of "Drifting Superstition," "The song is about the double dead end of not trusting yourself enough to make good decisions, musically wrapped in a Mondays-meets-Bolan, funky filo pastry. With the video, I am trying to bring together a simplified and lighthearted sense of the deeper contradictions and folkloric fantasies taken from the lyrics into something in the visual world of Pet Shop Boys' 'It Couldn't Happen Here' and Lina Wertmüller."

Check out the video, directed by Falco himself, below. The album is available to pre-order here.

Get Me the Good Stuff:

1. Let It Be Me
2. Drifting Superstition
3. Our House That Doesn't Change
4. Get Me the Good Stuff
5. Telltale Flyover
6. My Feet on Your Ground
7. Lost in Song
8. L.I.E.
9. Put Me in the Picture
10. Better Here Than in Love
11. Live Free Underwater
12. In the Heat of the Sun

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