Evan Rachel Wood will star in an upcoming documentary from filmmaker Amy Berg titled Phoenix Rising, which has been added to the 2022 Sundance Film Festival lineup.
As Variety reports, the movie will document Wood's early acting career and her family, as well as her decision to come forward with allegations of abuse against her ex Marilyn Manson — who now stands accused of sexual assault, misconduct and rape by multiple women — though the film didn't start out that way.
"It wasn't about Marilyn Manson, and his whole world," Berg said of the project. "This was about an Erin Brockovich story. We were really focused on telling a story about empowerment, something that would offer resources for women and men who are stuck in abusive situations. And that was what we were making — until she decided to name him publicly."
Berg added: "It's a really intimate portrait of Evan, and I had incredible access."
The documentary will arrive in two parts, the first of which will make its debut at Sundance, and will later hit HBO. Berg is still working on Part 2, which is said to follow the details of Wood's story following her public accusations against Manson.
"Naming Manson obviously created a lot more story for us. It became a two-part film in the edit bay," Berg said.
Back in December, court documents relating to a custody battle with Wood's ex-husband Jamie Bell show that Wood further accused Manson of threatening her eight-year-old son, in addition to allegations she initially lodged against the singer in February 2021.
Manson has maintained his denial of all claims, calling them "horrible distortions of reality."
As Variety reports, the movie will document Wood's early acting career and her family, as well as her decision to come forward with allegations of abuse against her ex Marilyn Manson — who now stands accused of sexual assault, misconduct and rape by multiple women — though the film didn't start out that way.
"It wasn't about Marilyn Manson, and his whole world," Berg said of the project. "This was about an Erin Brockovich story. We were really focused on telling a story about empowerment, something that would offer resources for women and men who are stuck in abusive situations. And that was what we were making — until she decided to name him publicly."
Berg added: "It's a really intimate portrait of Evan, and I had incredible access."
The documentary will arrive in two parts, the first of which will make its debut at Sundance, and will later hit HBO. Berg is still working on Part 2, which is said to follow the details of Wood's story following her public accusations against Manson.
"Naming Manson obviously created a lot more story for us. It became a two-part film in the edit bay," Berg said.
Back in December, court documents relating to a custody battle with Wood's ex-husband Jamie Bell show that Wood further accused Manson of threatening her eight-year-old son, in addition to allegations she initially lodged against the singer in February 2021.
Manson has maintained his denial of all claims, calling them "horrible distortions of reality."