DJ Shadow

Market Square, Victoria, BC, September 14

BY Ashley HampsonPublished Sep 16, 2012

One of the biggest lineups and packed venues was all thanks to DJ Shadow making an appearance at Market Square, though fans were left a little underwhelmed by the West Coast DJ/producer. Shadow started his 90-minute set with drum and bass before shifting into older electro-tinged house, but as anyone who's ever seen the guy before can attest to, the entire performance was steeped in hip-hop, complete with a guest rapper to bounce lyrics off the crowd. Perhaps completely oblivious to a master of turntablism before them, the crowd incessantly chanted for "Organ Donor," which DJ Shadow provided, prefacing the track by saying it would likely be the only recognizable tune from his set. And it was. Fans seemed to be contented with a song they could attach to (which seems to defeat the purpose of seeing a live act, doesn't it?), though a few could be seen pushing out of the crowd after "hearing their song."

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