Rage Against the MachineRun the Jewelsblink-182Alanis MorissetteDaniel CaesarTash SultanaKing CrimsonBoyz II MenBlue RodeoBilly TalentGarbage6LACKAli GatieNellyJuly TalkDashboard ConfessionalCharlotte Day WilsonTravis TrittPatrick WatsonSharon Van EttenCash CashDJ ShadowThe New PornographersCat PowergrandsonBrandy ClarkDeltron 3030Arrested DevelopmentBarr BrothersJeremy DutcherProtojeNahko and Medicine for the PeopleBarns CourtneyLeif VollebekkCinematic OrchestraWishbone AshEzra FurmanHaviah MightyNOBROCrown LandsCrystal ShawandaJessica MitchellCooper BrothersAlbert Castiglia BandAlanna SterlingAmanda LoweLora BidnerMiss EmilyMurray Kinsley & Wicked GrinSplitThe NationalBig WreckMoistTea PartyHeadstonesJack JohnsonVance JoyMarshmelloLil TeccaJade BirdJT SoulCharlie Cunningham
RBC Ottawa Bluesfest
Multiple Venues (Ottawa)
Ottawa, ON
Doors open @ Jul 9, 2020, 4:00 PM
- Rage Against the Machine
- Run the Jewels
- blink-182
- Alanis Morissette
- Daniel Caesar
- Tash Sultana
- King Crimson
- Boyz II Men
- Blue Rodeo
- Billy Talent
- Garbage
- Ali Gatie
- Nelly
- July Talk
- Dashboard Confessional
- Charlotte Day Wilson
- Travis Tritt
- Patrick Watson
- Sharon Van Etten
- Cash Cash
- DJ Shadow
- The New Pornographers
- Cat Power
- grandson
- Brandy Clark
- Deltron 3030
- Arrested Development
- Barr Brothers
- Jeremy Dutcher
- Protoje
- Nahko and Medicine for the People
- Barns Courtney
- Leif Vollebekk
- Cinematic Orchestra
- Wishbone Ash
- Ezra Furman
- Haviah Mighty
- Crown Lands
- Crystal Shawanda
- Jessica Mitchell
- Cooper Brothers
- Albert Castiglia Band
- Alanna Sterling
- Amanda Lowe
- Lora Bidner
- Miss Emily
- Murray Kinsley & Wicked Grin
- Split
- The National
- Big Wreck
- Moist
- Tea Party
- Headstones
- Jack Johnson
- Vance Joy
- Marshmello
- Lil Tecca
- Jade Bird
- JT Soul
- Charlie Cunningham