Tyler, the Creator Says Albums Should Return to Tuesday Release, Shouldn't Come Out at Midnight

"The streaming people are like, 'Oh, streams go up on the weekend.' But I think it's a lot of passive listening."

BY Alex HudsonPublished Nov 23, 2023

Tyler, the Creator has some ideas about how and when music should be released — namely that North America should return to a Tuesday release date, and that albums should come out in the morning instead of at midnight.

Prior to 2015, albums used to come out on Tuesdays in North America, Mondays in the UK and France, and Fridays in Australia and Germany. On July 10, 2015, Fridays were adopted as a global release date. Tyler is still not happy about the change, however.

"I think we should put music out again on Tuesdays, instead of Fridays," he told Nardwuar the Human Serviette in an interview published last week, marking his sixth conversation with the Canadian journalist. "My reasoning is: I know people think because of the weekend, they can listen to stuff and streams go up. And the streaming people are like, 'Oh, streams go up on the weekend.' But I think it's a lot of passive listening at parties, or people get the time to go to the gym, so they're not really listening."

He continued, "People on the weekend, they want to chill and hang out, so they're not really listening. But I think if you put it out during the week — man, that commute to work or that commute to school, just whatever that is, you really have that hour or 30 minutes to really dive and really listen. Because you know, once that's over, you gotta get to work. I think, when that time is shorter — kind of like with procrastination — you get more done, even with listening."

He went on to add that, in addition to changing the day of the week, the industry should change the time albums come out. "To work on an album for so long, and put so much energy into it, and for it to be released at midnight — and I'm talking about America, 'cause this is where I'm from — to release it at midnight just seems so disrespectful. People are asleep on the East Coast, for the most part, and people are going to sleep on the West, and that's when you decide to release music? I think it coming out in the morning would just make more sense."

He also threw a jab at Spotify and other streaming services, arguing, "The fact that you can get every song for $10 — what that subconsciously, I think, does is have people not respect music as worthy."

Watch Tyler's interview with Nardwuar below.

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