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Shout Out Out Out Out / Twin Fangs / Eve Cournoyer

Power Plant, Edmonton AB - March 10, 2006

BY Fish GriwkowskyPublished Apr 1, 2006

Love wasn't just in the air during this CBC3 ménage a trois, it sprayed over the cement, the bricks and the skin. Taped live for future editing and hosted by hugging, hyperkinetic bilingual DJs, there was a delightfully uneasy feeling of big movement between buffet tables. To dissect it in this Petri dish: here was a bio experiment fusing Eve Cournoyer's sternly inviting Quebec pop, the mountaintop sword-clash rock duo of the Twin Fangs and the Shout Out Out Out Out's Muppet Show electro-dance freak-out, with the latter two acts coming back stronger from the road as hometown heroes. As such, Cournoyer poured out a fresher java, which the Fangs followed up with flesh-head Paul James Coutts's impossibly eternal roaring. His soul mate, Penny Tentiary, drummed confident as thunder behind her Mexican Xmas lights, co-ravaging through shaved punk songs like "It Is" and the storm-oculus "Big Tear/Tear" with orgasmic faces. Everyone was clearly excited to be on the radio, French or non. While Cournoyer spoke a language embarrassingly few understood here in Brokeback-y Alberta, the Fangs and the Shout Outs summoned the universal elders of rock; the former with '70s Ferrigno muscle, the latter straight out of '80s Munich on the obscure Goma label. But Shout Out Out Out Out's loops, bleeps and voice distortion are backed up by two drummers, the band including Whitey Houston, plus cowbells! The fact singer Nik Kozub can and does kick his leg up past his head dozens of times a night helps too. The already-wired pit yelled for them by name and turned into a photographer-crushing machine as the Fangs' poetry gave way to the 12-armed robotic homunculus, the wildest skin bag being Will Zimmerman on bass. They defied gravity, invaded each other's space like kittens and covered the night in whip cream. This band is drugs. More! More!

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