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​Seth Rogen Designed a $21,000 Mirror for Charity

Not your style? Try Jason Schwartzman's $11,000 piano

BY Sarah MurphyPublished May 18, 2018

Seth Rogen, Jason Schwartzman and Angel Olsen are amongst a list of celebrities that have teamed up with Sight Unseen to design original home pieces for charities of their choice.
Rogen's contribution is a beach ball-inspired mirror that he created in conjunction with Brooklyn studio Bower. The six-foot circle of reflective glass should bring in a hefty paycheque for Rogen's Hilarity for Charity foundation, as it's on the market for a whopping $21,000 USD ($27,700 CAD).
Schwartzman also participated in the project, designing a super-retro miniature piano. Dubbed the "Marzipan Pianette," the piece of musical furniture was a collaboration with Wall for Apricots. The pastel-tinted piece is looking to raise funds for Safe Place for Youth with its $11,300 USD ($14,800 CAD) price tag.
Olsen also joined in the charity project, creating a series of candleholders that actually contain her songs. Along with architect Drew Seskunas, Olsen came up with a machine that freezes her music into solid form. The description of the process reads:
Melted wax is released through a digitally controlled valve onto a plate held by a robotic actuator arm, linked to sound frequencies in three of Olsen's songs. As music activates the machine's sensors, hot wax is lowered into a pool of cool water, suspending the form in response to the overlapping frequencies in the song. The resulting wax form is then sand cast in molten aluminum to create a custom architecture of song.
Melting down a vinyl record sounds like it may have been a lot easier, but the results from their elaborate process did turn out pretty cool. The finished pieces are on sale for $1,060 USD ($1,230 CAD), with proceeds going to the Save the Music Foundation.
Other pieces in the celebrity collection include custom quilts, a furry ottoman (with legs that look like marble plungers) and a $4,000 USD cake stand. See the full array of offerings here.

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