Razor X Productions

Killing Sound

BY Dimitri NasrallahPublished Apr 1, 2006

You have to respect what IDM elder statesmen like µ-ziq’s Mike Paradinas and Aphex Twin’s Richard D. James are doing with their boutique labels these days. While Paradinas is currently pumping out some of the hottest dubstep on his Planet µ label, James has been fuelling his Jamaican cravings into offshoot acts like the Bug and Rootsman, two of the most apocalyptic raggacore artists out there. Razor X Productions pairs these two artists together, and the results sound like old school reggae’s abattoir — a fiercer industrial-strength ragga fueled by horror movies. To be sure, this ain’t your dad’s Peter Tosh record. This is dancehall that’s been unwittingly hopped up on amphetamines, rolled through scathing grinds and pummelling beats, and tempered into a fog of paranoia. Razor X Productions fuse latter-day DJ Scud break-fire break beats with hits of Panacea junglisms, and then bring in stellar MCs like Mexican, Daddy Freddy, Cutty Ranks, and Warrior Queen to rasp on top. High recommended for fans of Shockout and DJ/Rupture, though the faint at heart would be best served by steering clear.

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