Odonis Odonis

Grand Theatre, Sudbury ON, August 12

Photo: Eric Noble-Marks

BY Eric Noble-MarksPublished Aug 13, 2016

There was something a little bit off about Odonis Odonis from the get go Friday night (August 12) at Up Here fest, as the PA announcer introduced the Toronto three-piece as Duchess Says, who were previously scheduled to perform in their slot.

Nevertheless, the band took it in stride and recovered with a strong duo of tracks from their most recent LP Post Plague, "Fearless" and "Needs." At their best, Odonis Odonis' mean-as-hell mixture of '80s horror-show synths, industrial beats and plain old-fashioned noise pummelled the crowd into willing submission, frontman Constantin Tzenos' ear-splitting howl meshing perfectly with his accompaniment.
Then, a couple of songs in, the sound went out and the band had to adjust to technical difficulties. Though they took this latest setback in good spirits, the timing was certainly poor, sapping the band's rising momentum. The next few tracks, though equally loud, lacked the depth and vitality of the band's opening, and the energy of the room seemed to taper off as the show went on.
What was deliriously heavy at the beginning of the show felt a bit tiresome by the end, as the band's lack of versatility began to show. Though you can't plan for bad luck, here's hoping Odonis Odonis can bring a more consistent performance to Sudbury next time around.

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