Nicki Minaj Herself Approved That Wax Figure Everyone Hates Back in 2015

It actually debuted at Madame Tussauds Las Vegas years ago

BY Brock ThiessenPublished Jan 8, 2020

Nicki Minaj just made headlines over a wax figure of the rapper, leading the internet to unleash a lot of hate over the statue. Well, it turns out the figure is more than four years old — and was actually approved by Minaj herself.

The "new" figure recently revealed at Madame Tussauds in Berlin was actually first unveiled in August 2015 at Madame Tussauds Las Vegas, so it's not new at all. It just changed locations.

And according to TMZ, Minaj's team actually worked with the museum on the project way back in 2015, and she signed off on it before it went public.

For a trip down memory lane, here's a 2015 Instagram post from Minaj about the figure:

And here's another archival post from Minaj showing how much she actually liked the figure:

This is the real picture they used of me from Anaconda.

A post shared by Barbie (@nickiminaj) on

So if you don't like the figure, you really have Minaj to blame here.


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