
Medicine Show #3: Beat Konducta in Africa

BY Mark BozzerPublished May 25, 2010

Stones Throw's resident pothead/leftfield beat futurist, Madlib cooks up an African-flavoured funk feast on the third instalment of his instrumental Medicine Show series. Chock-full of traditional African soul samples, dusty loops and head-nodding beats, Otis (nee Jackson Jr.) puts together a piece of art that's the perfect soundtrack to a lazy Sunday afternoon spent blunted and sprawled out on a hammock. Those familiar with the series will thoroughly enjoy the unique sounds Madlib creates on this effort, which he put together by mining the vaults of obscure '70s African soul, Afrobeat, funk and garage rock. With tracks like "Face The Sun (Africa)" and "Toe Fat (Ghettozone)," Madlib doesn't disappoint, sticking to his formula of neck-snapping beats with head-scratching song titles. With Madlib racking up frequent flyer miles on the Medicine Show series, by taking us to Brazil on #2 and now Africa on #3, we can only wait with anticipation to see where he takes us next.
(Stones Throw)

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