Every artist has to find a way to dissuade listeners from the download and steer them towards the retail album. With Customer Appreciation Day, Lexington + Whatevski put the album online for free but tried to lure people toward the CD with uncensored boobies. However you get it, it's worthwhile, so long as you're curiously enamoured by "Creakheads on Bikes," have "5 Min to Kill a Family of 4" or enjoy getting a "Dick in Ya Drink." Listening to these beasts is much like watching a B-movie. And like some B-movies, there are traces of true artistry around the corners. Lexington's verse on "Dead & Famous" is more than just an homage to Weekend at Bernie's; it's that same crappy movie but directed with craft, like what a Scorsese sequel would be like.
(Hand Solo)Lexington + Whatevski
Customer Appreciation Day
BY Omar MouallemPublished Nov 17, 2008