Lee's Palace Gets Pussy Riot - Riot Days, the Chats, Model/Actriz for 40th Anniversary Concert Series

Festivities to commemorate 40 years of Toronto's iconic Annex venue kick off later this month with a performance by Kool Keith

BY Megan LaPierrePublished Jan 20, 2025

Lee's Palace opened for use as a concert venue on Bloor Street West on September 5, 1985, which means that the iconic staple of Toronto's Annex neighbourhood celebrates its 40th anniversary in 2025. To commemorate the occasion, its owners and operators at MODO have announced a year-long concert series.

Pussy Riot - Riot Days, the Chats, Model/Actriz, Preoccupations, ACTORS, P'tit Belliveau, Pom Pom Squad, FACS, Freak Heat Waves, Klangphonics, Asal, Protest the Hero, Last Dinosaurs, Papooz, Adrian Young and more Canadian and international acts will perform in the series, which is set to kick off later this month with a Kool Keith show. Additional concerts are set to be announced throughout the year, as well as a celebration to be held on the anniversary of Lee's opening date.

Some of the shows will be hosted at the Dance Cave, the 250-capacity upstairs club on the venue's second floor. According to a press release, both rooms are undergoing a number of upgrades in 2025. Find ticket information and more details on the series via the Lee's Palace website.

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