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Learn to Parlez Francais with Exclaim! TV at Festival d'ete de Quebec

BY Kelly SemkiwPublished Aug 3, 2009

According to the latest available data from Statistics Canada, roughly 31 percent of Canadians are able to speak French. That's about nine million Canadians who know how to say more than just "bonjour," "Comment t'appelles-tu?" or "un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq... dix." This week on Exclaim! TV, we were feeling a little self-conscious that our proficiency in our country's other official language wasn't exactly up to par, so we caught up with some bands featured at this year's Festival d'ete de Quebec and asked them to help us out. You've got to start somewhere, right?

To check out our latest educational interview at Festival D'ete de Quebec click here, or to check out last week's episode of Garageland, where we hang out, in English, with Canadian punk rockers Sights and Sounds and discuss sibling cooperation and getting out of trouble with the cops, click here.

We also have past videos, featuring bands from this year's Warped Tour, the hilarious Strung Out and Pour Habit, and the nice folks of the Rural Alberta Advantage. On top of that, there are even more videos, so peruse the archives and check them out.

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