L CON Signs to Daps Records for 'The Ballad Project'

BY Alex HudsonPublished Sep 21, 2012

Toronto-based label Daps Records already counts artists like Hooded Fang, Odonis Odonis, Doldrums and Phèdre among its roster. You can now add L CON to that list, since songwriter Lisa Conway has signed to the label in advance of her new album, The Ballad Project, which the label will release October 16.

The disc was recorded at Toronto's 6 Nassau Studio with James Anderson. L CON wrote and arranged the entire album herself and utilized a nine-piece string section to perform the tunes. A press release calls the record "impossibly expansive yet inexplicably intimate." It was recorded in a "belabored and traditional manner" but the results are said to be sound "effortless."

For a bite-sized taste of what the album has to offer, watch a trailer for The Ballad Project below. Be forewarned that this minute-long clip is most definitely NSFW, since it shows completely nude interpretative dancers writhing around with animal masks on.

Additionally, the slow-building and jazzy lament "Forget" is streaming below.

L CON album preview from lisa conway on Vimeo.

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