Jazz Cartier

Fort York, Toronto ON, June 4

Photo: Shane Parent

BY Calum SlingerlandPublished Jun 5, 2016

Jazz Cartier's Field Trip set marked his first appearance in his native city since dropping his sophomore release Hotel Paranoia, selling out the Phoenix Concert Theatre and doing shows around the globe as a result of his rapid rise through Toronto hip-hop's ranks. Accomplishing all that he has in a short timeframe in the provincial capital — without a Drake co-sign of course — is monumental.
His status isn't unknown to him in the slightest, and his unwavering confidence carried him through his festival performance. "Am I doing a good job or what?," he slyly asked the audience between dexterously spitting his way around the ominous "Talk Of The Town," "100 Roses" and the bass bombs of "The Valley." Without having the safety net of backing vocal tracks, level issues with instrumentals saw him fall offbeat in a few places, but it's too rare to see MCs his age truly go it alone onstage these days, and he held his own nicely.
Things got a little testy upon launching into "Never Too Faded," with the instrumental track cutting out, causing Jazz to snap at the audio crew to get things fixed and end the "conspiracy" he thought the team had out for him. Still, the dead air didn't prevent him from getting the audience right back into things with "Opera," leading them through the hook from under the red stage lighting.

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