Jay Weinberg "Heartbroken and Blindsided" by Slipknot Ousting

The band announced the drummer's departure last week

Photo: Leo Kreissig

BY Megan LaPierrePublished Nov 13, 2023

Last week, Slipknot announced that drummer Jay Weinberg had left the band after nearly a decade — news that Weinberg himself was apparently equally as surprised by.

The band had said in a statement that parting ways with the drummer — who replaced original timekeeper Joey Jordison (who died in 2021) in 2014 and played on the last three Slipknot albums — was a "creative decision" that Weinberg has since revealed he only became privy to just ahead of the rest of the world.

"I was heartbroken and blindsided to receive the phone call that I did on the morning of November 5th; the news of which, most of you learned shortly after," Weinberg wrote in the caption of an Instagram post over the weekend. "However, I've been overwhelmed by — and truly grateful for — the outpouring of love and support I've received from this incredible community I consider to be my creative and artistic home.

"This is not the ending to the journey I'd dreamt of, and committed myself to seeing through — not by a long shot." he continued. "But, despite the confusion and sadness, there is something that's provided an equal amount of comfort. For many of you reading this: 10 years ago, we weren't yet acquainted. And now, we are. For that, I'm thankful in ways I'll never be able to fully express."

The musician went on to promise that, despite not knowing how or when, he would continue to make music and share it with the world.

See Weinberg's full statement below.

A post shared by Jay Weinberg (@jayweinberg)


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