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BY Branan RanjanathanPublished Nov 27, 2015

Hellbent's latest EP is a tightly packed four-song burst of no-frills hardcore that remains punchy and aggressive throughout. Although the band don't take any radically new strides in their writing or structuring, their effective transitioning between momentary yet furious blast beat sections and more drawn out guitar trudges found in "Washed Out" make for an effective combo. The occasional layered octave lead also finds its way into the mix, providing additional nuance amidst the straightforward power-chord-driven beat down that dominates the greater part of EP2.
"Bastard" is an emphatic and dynamic conclusion to the short set, shifting gears between bouncy, thrashy riffs and a muted, bass-driven verse that builds over the song until it all culminates in a downtempo breakdown that slowly disintegrates into feedback. EP2 is by no means groundbreaking, but it accomplishes what it sets out to achieve quite admirably.

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