Hear the Week's Best New Canadian Music: noelle, Evan Redsky, the Trade-Offs

BY Exclaim! StaffPublished Sep 30, 2022

This week and always, the best new Canadian music is birthed from a colonial nation-state on stolen land. Indigenous artists like noelle, Evan Redsky and the Trade-Offs are among those sharing their truths in song, helping us learn about their experiences.

Elsewhere, we have a big album release this week from New Faves alum EKKSTACY (Misery), as well as a new EP from Carsen Gray.

Sophia Bel takes her atypical pop-punk chemicals into the acoustic realm, Paste's patience has grown "Razor Thin" and there's a new wave banger from Men I Trust.

You've probably got some research to do, but who knows — you might learn something The Eh! List below, presented by Mary Brown's Chicken & Taters — all Canadian and proud of it!


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