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Diaries From The Gallows

BY Bill WhishPublished Mar 28, 2007

With a sound that mimics the glory days of melodic death metal, Eventide’s first full-length CD is an engrossing debut that sees this young band capturing an interesting sound. The band can be compared to current melodic death metal bands, specifically Dark Tranquillity, yet Eventide have a much more ferocious overtone to most of their material that adds a delightful variation to the genre. There are, of course, fantastic harmonisations going on between the guitars and just the right amount of keyboards mixed in to sweeten the pot. In addition to the keyboards, Eventide have also cautiously used some string arrangements that add a dash of originality to their sound. Also, check out the instrumental track on the album; it’s a fantastic acoustic song that will remind listeners of pre-electronic Ulver. Finally, the non-death metal vocals that occasionally creep in are very well delivered and almost have a Mikael Akerfeldt-level of beauty to them. Seeing as this is Eventide’s first release, this is most certainly a band to expect great things from down the road.
(Cartel Media)

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