Death Angel

Park Jean-Drapeau, Montreal QC, August 10

Photo: Benoit Turcotte

BY Natalie Zina WalschotsPublished Aug 11, 2014

The Bay Area thrashers may have had to play early and in full daylight, but the time of day did nothing to dilute the impact of their set. There was something extra gritty and sore about the way they played, gravel worked into a wound, and it suited them well. Their rendition of "Mistress of Pain" from their 1987 record The Ultra-Violence was white-hot and cleansing in its intensity, and sounded as fresh as if it had been recorded this year.

It was also during their set that the first real pit of Heavy Montreal Sunday opened up, and between the churning legs of the fans and liberal application of fire hoses from security to help keep the crowd cool, the area in front of the stage was soon a sweaty, muddy bog, which suited the tone of the performance perfectly.

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