David Bowie Memorial Plaque in Berlin Stolen and Destroyed

BY Gregory AdamsPublished Sep 20, 2016

A tributary plaque affixed to the former Berlin home of David Bowie has been vandalized and stolen from the property just three weeks after being unveiled.

German newspaper BZ [via NME] reports that the plaque on Bowie's former home in the Schöneberg district of Berlin was removed over the weekend. A photo on fansite Bowiefun shows that the unidentified vandals had smashed the tributary piece.

Police are currently investigating the crime.

The plaque had been unveiled at the end of August and explained that Bowie had lived in the home from 1976 to 1978, while working on "Berlin Trilogy" LPs Low, "Heroes" and Lodger. The dedication closed with the iconic "Heroes" line: "We can be heroes, just for one day."

Despite the initial plaque being damaged, the company that produced the piece had multiple prints made in the event of damage or theft.

Bowie passed away in January at the age of 69.

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