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Crowdsourced Campaign Launched to Stop Nickelback From Playing London Ever Again

BY Sarah MurphyPublished Oct 6, 2014

If you thought the world would ever get tired of hating Nickelback, you were wrong. A new crowd-funded campaign called Don't Let Nickel Back has been launched by London, UK resident Craig Mandall to prevent Nickelback from performing in his hometown.

Mandall's goal is to raise $1,000 and he plans to write an email on behalf of each donor, expressing a wish to keep London free of the musical stylings of Chad Kroeger and co. The money will be donated to charity, while the letters will be directed to the band's management. The bigger the donation, the more strongly worded the letter will be.

A $10 donation will result in an email on your behalf, featuring "explicit phrases" along with "lots of capital letters and maybe even a rude emoticon or two." Splurge on a $50 donation and an MP3 of Nickelback's music will be attached to the email. "This way, the band will hear their own music, and likely retire immediately, thereby ensuring the success of our campaign," according to Mandall. "You also get the added bonus of not seeing Nickelback. And perhaps helping to ensure no one ever does again."

Mandall's logic might be slightly flawed, but you can't blame a guy for trying.

The campaign follows an unsuccessful attempt from Nickelback haters to nix the band from a Detroit Lions halftime show a couple years ago. Don't worry, though. If this one falls through, you can always cleanse your personal online space of the Kroegster with the NICKELBLOCK plugin.

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