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Chilly Gonzales

The Entertainist

BY James KeastPublished Nov 1, 2000

There are some marriages made in heaven, and Peaches and Gonzales are certainly two peas in a raunchy, sex-upped pod. The pair, who first clashed musically in a previous life as Merrill Nisker (Fancypants Hoodlum) and Jason Beck (Son) in a Toronto band called the Shit, have since risen from the ashes of their earlier identities to blossom, fully formed, as Peaches (a horny cruise director type) and Gonzales (a nasty super-villain). "Only double-A, thinkin' triple X" is how Peaches sets herself up on her circus of a live sex show, Teaches of Peaches. This debut full-length incorporates the tracks from her self-titled Teenage USA EP of last year, fleshing out the beats from her Roland 505 Groove Box. Her amazing new record is almost schizophrenic, as your ears bounce between catching the fuzzed out subtleties of her programming and turning beet red as she smoothly raps her Ivana Humpalot lyrics. Peaches shows off some of her raw, juicy beats on the new rap record by Chilly Gonzales, who puts the catchy electro-pop of his Uber Alles debut aside for some revenge fantasies on The Entertainist. Unlike his debut, Gonzales only produces a few tracks here, leaving some to Peaches but the bulk to Berlin buddy, Digital Hardcore associate Patrick C, whose hard beats perfectly complement the new-found edge of Chilly G. His fascinating persona continues to evolve - at one point he's a combination of Joseph Stalin and Woody Allen, whatever that might mean - but his hilarious tirades and raunchy interludes are always backed with stuff for your head: beats to make it nod and words to make it turn. The Red Leather EP, which teams the pair together, is a slice of Blondie-ish new wave pseudo rap from Peaches featuring friendlier electro beats. Remarkable how not giving a fuck leads to some truly amazing musical moments.
(Kitty Yo)

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