
Start Breaking My Heart/Up in Flames

BY Rob WooPublished Aug 1, 2006

It's odd enough that any artist would want to be named after a province let alone two. Nonetheless, the first Manitoba (Handsome Dick) took it very personally and Manitoba (not Handsome Dick) was told to call himself something else. He apparently decided that Caribou would be the next best thing and his faithful fans supported the transition. Now his old albums have been re-released under the new moniker, each with a bonus CD of remixes, B-sides and other such tidbits. Very little needs to be said about the main disc on each album since they made Dundas, ON's Dan Snaith the most popular Canadian electronica artist on the scene right now. The bonus discs are certainly worth discussion though and could have easily been released as albums in their own right. Each re-release is arguably an essential piece for any collection, whether or not you own the originals and whatever the hell this guy is called.

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